- Preserve Size: ~6,800 acres
- Trail Mileage: 9-mile loop
- Pets: yes
- Difficulty: easy to moderate
- Sights: views
A Trail in orange; Round Top Mountain in blue; Monataka Trail in pink
The A Trail, which shares a parking lot with Round Top Mountain and is one of several hikes in the Kennebec Highlands, has been created for both mountain bikers and hikers. But I think it’s probably more popular with bikers. That being said, it’s not bad for people on foot. After about 3.3 miles of gradual, easy uphill through dappled forest, you get to a lovely lookout. If you want to summit McGaffey Mountain, you’ll walk another 1.2 miles along a ledgy ridge to the viewless mountaintop. There are rocky outcrops here that make for a good resting spot, though.
When I hiked this trail in the summer of 2018, there were additional bike trails that were not included on the official map. The one I followed connected to the system of woods roads that crisscross the highlands and are better for biking and skiing than walking.
Also, if you would like to end your walk at a beautiful swimming spot on Long Pond, below the highlands, hike the ~ 0.7-mile Monataka Trail down to the shore (1.8 miles in the loop). There is a private road that bisects this public land; the paths loop either side of it.
Directions: A parking lot is located at the corner of Watson Pond Road and Wildflower Estates, 4 miles south of Route 27.