Posted on December 31, 2023 and last updated on February 17, 2025

Brown Woods, Bangor


  • Preserve Size: 28 acres
  • Trail Mileage: ~1 mile
  • Pets: yes
  • Difficulty: east
  • Sights: old-growth forest

These are, indeed, brown woods! Majestic brown woods with tall white pines that will hopefully survive a few more generations.

The wide, flat, even paths in the 28-acre city preserve do two loops through the older-growth forest, a bigger and smaller one called Main and Back Loops. According to my GPS, they’re 0.8 miles and 0.1 miles. The two loop trails were built to be wheelchair accessible. A pipeline clearing bisects the preserve.

Directions: The parking area is off Ohio Street, about 0.3 miles from the intersection with Finson Road, if you’re coming from the south, and 0.8 miles from the intersection with Davis Road if you’re driving in from the north.

2 comments to “Brown Woods, Bangor”
2 comments to “Brown Woods, Bangor”
    • I hear from time to time that people see Black bears in the woods around Bangor, but the bears in Maine tend to be shy and avoid people. But like all bears, they can be aggressive if they’re surprised, so it’s always wise to be cautious. Where I hear of the most bear interactions happening is up in Baxter State Park (and probably other campgrounds in that area), places where people leave food and garbage out. But even then, I have never heard of a bear attack in the park! And the internet says no one has ever died of a bear attack in Maine. Honestly, the animal I would be most worried about here is the deer tick! If one bites you and has a disease like Lyme or Babesiosis, you could get very sick. There’s been a big increase in ticks and tick-borne disease in Maine in the last two or so decades. Thanks for visiting Maine, though! Overall, it’s a very safe state. 🙂

Let me know if you have any trail updates or corrections!

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