- Preserve Size: NA
- Trail Mileage: ~2 miles in network
- Pets: yes
- Difficulty: easy to moderate
- Sights: views, sandy beach, marshy creek
If you live in Phippsburg, you have the right to park at the Totman Cove preserve, which includes a popular sandy beach. Non-residents, who might want to consider visiting during the off-season, can park on Sebasco Road and walk in from the trail system for Robinson’s Rock and Merritt Mountain, which is a really nice way to travel! Robinson’s Rock has views to the ocean, and its trail system is blazed. But the trail to West Point Road, and the access road to Totman Cove, is not marked, although fairly easy to follow.
Once you have crossed West Point Road and walked down the Totman Cove access road, you’ll find a trailhead to the 1.5 mile-loop behind the picnic table on the bluff. The trails are marked with red blazes, and are easy to moderate. The leg along the creek is especially pretty.
Directions: From Route 209, take the Sebasco Road about ½ mile to West Point Road. On the West Point Road, about .25 mile on the right, is a small area to park at the trail head across the road from the Totman Preserve sign. The trail can also be accessed from the Sebasco Road. Parking is on the right side of the road. The trail is on the left, across the street.

Totman Cove is accessible by obtaining a town permit.