Posted on October 7, 2019 and last updated on February 11, 2025

Burnt Jacket Mountain, near Jackman


  • Preserve Size: N/A
  • Trail Mileage: 1.3 miles one way
  • Pets: yes
  • Difficulty: moderate to challenging
  • Sights: Views

There was no trailhead sign for this popular, privately owned local mountain, but the path was both easy to find and to follow. We found the route marked with ribbon tags and blazes. Part of the trail swings through a delightfully cool and mossy forest. At 0.9 miles, the trail emerges onto a “false summit” — the actual wooded 2,113-foot summit is 0.4 miles farther on. But the summit has just a scratchy view through pines so you might want to conclude your hike at this peak. If you are good on your feet, I recommend making your way to an open ledge here (it takes a tiny bit of scrambling down and up rock) for expansive southerly vistas.

If you do want to continue to the summit, you might get a bit confused a few times. While the trail is tagged with ribbons, it can be hard to see here and there. And the initial climb down the rocks of the first peak (“a rock chimney,” according to the AMC guide) is a bit dicey.

My GPS measured the elevation gained at 833 feet.

Directions: From the bridge over Moose River, continue on Route 201 for one mile. Turn left onto Sandy Stream Road and go 0.3 miles to a fork. Bear left on Gander Brook Road and continue 4.3 miles to a gated bridge over Wood Stream. Park on the right. Walk across the bridge and through the gate. In 200 feet, you’ll see a grassy track to your right, headed up a hill. Follow this almost to the crest of the hill, and you’ll see the tagged footpath to your left. From here it’s about 0.9 miles to the first lovely view where most people probably conclude their climb.

Let me know if you have any trail updates or corrections!

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