Posted on September 23, 2024 and last updated on September 24, 2024

Church Land Preserve, Deer Isle


  • Preserve Size: 30 acres
  • Trail Mileage: 1.5 miles in network
  • Pets: yes
  • Difficulty: easy
  • Sights: mature spruce-fir forest, northern end of Lily Pond

The trail on this 30-acre Island Heritage Trust preserve starts out through a beautiful mossy forest. While the start of the trail is fairly flat and easy, it gets a touch more rugged the deeper into the preserve you go, over rocks and roots. It’s very well-signed, with maps at every intersection. The highlight might be where the trail emerges onto the pond. The pond bottom here looks a bit mucky — there is better swimming down at the other end, in Lily Pond Park.

The name of the preserve refers to a 400-acre parcel that was managed by the Deer Isle Church from 1797 to 2016 to support parish ministers who used the land—known as “glebe land”—for their sheep, cows, gardens, and woodlots.

Directions: (From the land trust): From the Deer Isle Causeway, drive South on Route 15 for approximately 4 miles. Shortly past Deer Isle Village, turn left onto King Row. Less than a mile down King Row, the Church Land Preserve parking lot will be on your left.

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