- Preserve Size: 469 acres
- Trail Mileage: 2 miles one way
- Pets: yes
- Difficulty: moderate
- Sights: Long Pond
The trail, behind a closed gate, starts off on an old logging road (I assume it was used for logging). At roughly .6 miles, you’ll reach a lovely beaver pond. At 1.4 miles, the path departs left off the logging track. This turn can be easy to miss. Look for tape flags and the 7 Lakes Alliance trail tags to keep you on route.
Once the path turns off the logging track, it winds through older-growth forest that provides refreshing shade after the hotter, drier road. The trail eventually descends to a bog, passable via bog bridges. Soon after the bog, you’ll emerge on the shrubby shores of Long Pond.
Directions: From Cottle Hill Road in Mt. Vernon, turn onto Spring Hill Road. In ~.5 miles, you’ll turn left onto the narrow dirt drive to the trailhead, about 800 feet past the intersection with Bogg Road. After you turn, continue past the house on the right. You’ll see a couple of signs for Fogg Island Trail parking. The drive ends at a trailhead kiosk and largish area for parking. This road is not plowed in the winter.