Posted on October 21, 2014 and last updated on January 08, 2025

Pleasant Point Nature Preserve, Cushing


  • Preserve Size: 65 acres
  • Trail Mileage: 1.5 miles in network
  • Pets: yes
  • Difficulty: easy
  • Sights: boardwalk, wetlands, forest

The drive to this 65-acre preserve is part of its pleasure. The little roads along Maine’s coasts are so pretty, it’s easy to feel jealous of the people who own houses here! Pleasant Point Preserve is an inland preserve without ocean views; it makes up the interior of a little peninsula. Soft moss blankets a lot of the forest, and at times walking along the 1.5 miles of trails feels as if you’ve received an invitation into a place you really shouldn’t be. It’s peaceful.

Georges River Land Trust describes the property’s features as “closely packed balsam fir, exposed ledge flush with lichen, and a wetland boardwalk in a forest of mossy knolls.”

Directions: From Route 1 in Thomaston, head south on Route 97 toward Cushing. Travel for 6.8 miles and turn left onto Salt Pond Road. Continue for 1.4 miles and turn right onto Pleasant Point Road. After 2.2 miles, turn left onto Stone’s Point Road. (Ignore the first sign for Stone’s Point Road. It is a loop that intersects with Pleasant Point Road twice. You want the lower intersection.) Parking is available in a small, grassy area on the left on Stone’s Point Road, just after turning off from Pleasant Point Road.

One comment to “Pleasant Point Nature Preserve, Cushing”
One comment to “Pleasant Point Nature Preserve, Cushing”
  1. Am looking for the property that my grandfather built up at Pleasant Point.
    My father is buried at Thomaston.
    During the Great Depression my grandfather built 11 cottages and a Master house on 21 acres at Pleasant Point.
    He later sold it off
    Just wondering?

    Thanks, Matt Donegan

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