This extraordinary National Monument, which consists of a stately 1837 brick...
From the large parking area, the trail shortly brings you to...
This former saltwater farm (there’s still a large garden on site...
This is a popular Nature Conservancy preserve outside of the national...
The Hills to Sea Trail is a well-maintained and well-marked 47-mile-long...
Bog Brook, Whitten Hill, and Northern Headwaters preserve trails in orange,...
In the woods abutting Randall Orchards, a working apple farm, you...
I revisited Hobbs Farm in 2024, and it is much improved!...
Valentine Farm trails and extension trail in blue, Bethel Pathway...
Walking/snowshoeing trails marked in yellow. Wheelchair-accessible trail in red. Roberts Farm...
The trails in Cumberland, Falmouth, and Windham are very well...
The map above shows the perimeter trails at the farm. There...
This is an interesting Cape Elizabeth Land Trust parcel close to...
Beach Plum Farm, a former salt-water farm, is the headquarters...
This is a well-maintained trail near a busy road and sewage...
Bald Pate trails in blue; Five Fields Farm X-C trails in...