Posted on September 23, 2024 and last updated on September 24, 2024

Carrying Place Preserve, Deer Isle


  • Preserve Size: 32 acres
  • Trail Mileage: 1.5 miles in network
  • Pets: yes
  • Difficulty: easy to moderate
  • Sights: Greenlaw Cove, Long Cove, salt marsh, Whig Island

You can zig back and forth along the side of Bray’s Mountain above Long Cove at this 30-acre Island Heritage Trust preserve, if you wish! As well as head down to the shore to access the tidal cove at a rocky point.

From the parking area, you’ll start off your walk along a trail parallel to the cove and road. If you continue straight along the Shore Trail, you’ll pass over soft, mossy ground, with water views through trees, until the trail ends at the point. It’s a short scramble to descend the bank, but this spot looks like a potentially good place for a dip on a hot day.

Then, if you wish, you can turn south and head up the ridge — it’s not too terribly steep or difficult but do expect some exertion! I think it’s slightly steeper if you hike up to the Ridge Trail and Bray’s Mountain Trail on the east side of the preserve, the side closer to the parking area. These trails at higher elevation pass by lichens and moss and one glacial erratic (on the Ridge Trail).

The carrying place in the preserve name refers to the strip of land between Long Cove and Greenlaw Cove where Wabanaki people once portaged their canoes. The trust explains that a common route the Wabanaki took to reach Deer Isle from the mainland was to canoe across Eggemoggin Reach, near the current bridge where the passage is narrow, to the Causeway and Scott’s Landing. “From there, it was a short paddle down to Northwest Harbor, the Mill Pond and then across to Long Cove.” From here, they could paddle Bray’s Narrows to Southeast Harbor, or they could stop at Whig Island, near Carrying Place Preserve, where they regularly camped.

Directions: From Route 15, turn onto Sunshine Road (across from Mill Pond Irving) and go 1.7 miles. The parking lot, for 4 to 5 cars, is on the right.

Let me know if you have any trail updates or corrections!

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