The ascent up Mt. Blue, in Mt. Blue State Park, is...
You might see an interesting cross-section of humanity if you climb...
This is a lovely mountain (~1,064 feet), with gorgeous views that...
For a not too terribly strenuous climb, this 2,214-foot mountain has a...
I think Tumbledown Mountain (3,069 feet) might be the most...
This hike is a two-for-one deal: It is really quick and...
I think this might be Maine’s most popular mountain, this...
This is a great little walk, with views over Colcord and...
This is a popular mountain (1,575 feet) just an hour from...
Map legend: Blue trails, Blueberry Mountain and Rattlesnake Pool loop in...
Map legend: Purple trails, East Royce. Blue trails, Blueberry Mountain and...
Map legend: Pinks trails, Speckled Mountain. Blue trails, Blueberry Mountain and...
If you hiked this mountain several years ago, you’ll notice the...
At this 4.5-mile trail network, you can do a moderate hike...
The trail systems of Lord and Pine Hills are in blue;...
This is a beautiful hike, with an open summit (2,840 ft.)...
The bump that makes up the town-owned 1,232-foot Mount Cutler rises...
Peary Mountain offers amazing views of the White Mountains and other...