- Preserve Size: 88 acres
- Trail Mileage: 1.5 miles in network
- Pets: no
- Difficulty: moderate
- Sights: gardens, forested trails
I visited Ecotat Gardens at the wrong time of year! But the garden still offered subtle beauty in late December.
This 88-acre preserve’s highlight is the large garden near the parking area and trailhead. According to the town of Hermon, sixty flower gardens have been planted over five to six acres with azaleas, lilacs, magnolias, smoke trees, mock orange and other perennials. There are benches growing over with moss and trellises set around the property. (Ecotat, by the way, is a portmanteau of ecological and habitat. This tat is managed by the nonprofit Ecotat Trust.)
The trails crossing the rest of the preserve seemed to have fallen into a state of neglect when I visited. Lots of blowdowns made some paths almost impassable. Some of the trails are wide, rough, and wet in patches, like they’re better suited to cross-country skiing than hiking. Also, the forest doesn’t seem to be in the best of health.
The signs for the trails are handmade and delightful, though. One sign directs you to a little seat, called Medusa’s Chair, placed in the middle of a multi-trunked tree. There are nature signs set up along the trail system, as well, although some were broken and in disrepair on my visit.
Directions: Ecotat’s large parking area is located on Annis Road, very close to the intersection with Route 2.