Some of these paths below are paved, some are packed gravel and dirt, and some are smooth, wide dirt paths. A few of the preserves or trail systems listed here just have a portion of trails that are paved or otherwise okay for wheels. Other trails are not listed here because they’re slightly rougher and don’t meet ADA standards. These can be searched on my site if you type ‘wheelchair’ into the search bar. My father used a wheelchair — so I try to evaluate trails based on whether I think I would have been able to successfully push him! He loved the outdoors and was always looking for a way to access it. That being said, sometimes I don’t judge trails perfectly, so please send me feedback!
Also, check out this helpful accessibility guide, a PDF, to all of Maine’s state parks and historic sites.
- Goat Hill, Acton
- Timber Point, Biddeford (dirt road)
- Part of Brunswick Landing Trails, Brunswick
- Androscoggin River Path, Brunswick
- Main trails in Brunswick Commons, Brunswick
- Part of Captain William Fitzgerald Recreation and Conservation Area, Brunswick (there is a difficult gate to pass at the entrance, however)
- Part of Woodward Point Preserve, Brunswick (coming summer/fall 2024)
- Fort Williams Park, Cape Elizabeth
- Part of Crescent Beach State Park, Cape Elizabeth
- Part of Robinson Woods, Cape Elizabeth
- Part of Twin Brooks Recreation Area, Cumberland
- Town forest, Cumberland
- Part of Claire Drew Trails, Gorham
- Shaw Cherry Hill Farm, Gorham
- Gambo Preserve and Shaw Park, Gorham
- Hope Cemetery and Woods, Kennebunk
- St. Anthony’s Franciscan Monastery, Kennebunk
- Fort Foster, Kittery
- Skyline Farm, North Yarmouth
- Marginal Way Cliff Walk, Ogunquit
- Back Cove and Eastern Prom, Portland
- Capisic Pond Park, Portland
- Clark Brook Trail, Portland
- Part of Evergreen Cemetery, Portland (paved and gravel lanes through cemetery)
- Part of Mayor Baxter Woods, Portland
- Ocean Ave. Recreation Area, Portland
- PATH and Casco Bay High School Trail (part of Forest City Trail), Portland
- Ferry Beach, Saco
- Sanford-Springvale Rail Trail, Sanford
- Part of Mousam Way, Sanford (particularly the old dirt roads behind the high school)
- Part of Pleasant Hill Preserve, Scarborough
- Memorial Park, Scarborough
- Part of Willey Recreation Area, Scarborough
- Part of Clark’s Pond Trail, South Portland
- Eastern Trail, South Portland to Kittery (only parts are traversable)
- Spring Point Shoreway, South Portland
- Sea to Sebago Trail, Standish to Portland (only parts are traversable)
- St. Joseph’s College trails, Standish
- Rachel Carson Wildlife Refuge, Wells
- (The best) part of Walter Marsh Recreational Trails, Wells
- Westbrook River Walk, Westbrook
- Royal River Park, Yarmouth
- West Side Trail (western segment), Yarmouth
- Mt. Agamenticus Conservation Region, York
- Thorne Head Preserve’s Overlook Trail, Bath
- Rail Trail, Belfast
- Parts of Moose Point State Park, Searsport
- Oak Point Farm, Boothbay
- Penny Lake Preserve, Boothbay
- Hay Conservation Recreation Area, Bremen
- Part of Camden Hill State Park, Camden
- Langlais Sculpture Preserve, Cushing
- Round Top Farm, Damariscotta
- part of Wolfe’s Neck State Park, Freeport
- Winslow Park and Campground, Freeport
- Ledgewood Preserve, Georgetown
- Reid State Park, Georgetown
- Part of Giant Stairs, Harpswell
- Mitchell Field, Harpswell
- Part of Cliff Trail, Harpswell
- Rockland Harbor Trail, Rockland
- Erickson Fields, Rockport
- Beech Hill Preserve, Rockport
- Part of Gibson Preserve, Searsmont
- Fort Point Trail, St. George
- Swan Lake State Park, Swanville
- Topsham Bike Path, Topsham
- Androscoggin Riverwalk, Topsham and Brunswick
- part of Ocean Path, Acadia National Park (this is by far the best trail for wheelchairs in the park! It’s beautiful and 0.7 miles are accessible)
- Jesup and Hemlock Paths, Acadia National Park
- part of Jordan Pond Trail, Acadia National Park
- part of Ship Harbor Trail, Acadia National Park
- Little Long Pond Natural Lands, near Acadia National Park
- Schooner Head Path, Acadia National Park
- Calais Waterfront Walkway, Calais
- Alexander Art Trail, Alexander
- part of Moosehorn National Wildlife Refuge, Baring
- Seaside Cemetery, Blue Hill
- Hundred Acre Wood, Brooklin
- Meadowbrook — Mill Stream Conservation Area, Brooksville
- part of Deer Isle-Stonington Elementary School Nature Trail, Deer Isle
- part of Moosehorn National Wildlife Refuge, Edmunds Township
- Ellsworth Trail, Ellsworth
- Frenchman Bay Community Forest, Hancock
- Part of Corea Heath, Gouldsboro
- Musquash Esker Trail, Grand Lake Stream
- part of Quoddy Head State Park, Lubec
- Red Point Nature Preserve, Lubec
- Old Farm Point, Lubec
- Milbridge Commons, Milbridge
- Sudsbury Walking Trail, Milbridge
- Sipayik Trail, Pleasant Point
- Caterpillar Hill, Sedgewick
- Sandy Point Beach, Stockton Springs
- part of Bog Brook Cove, Trescott
- Bethel Pathway, Bethel
- Valentine Farm, Bethel
- Part of Peabody-Fitch Woods and Narramissic Farm, Bridgton
- Parts of Pondicherry Park, Bridgton
- Narrow Gauge Pathway, Carrabassett Valley
- Prescott Fields Trail, Farmington
- Mountain Division Trail, Fryeburg
- Shepard’s Farm Preserve, Norway
- Libby Trail at Roberts Farm Preserve, Norway
- Rail Trail, Norway
- part of Lake Pennesseewassee Park, Norway
- Quill Hill, Rangeley
- Swift River Trail, Rumford
- Part of Pettingill Park and Urban Greenway, Auburn
- Augusta Greenway Trail, Augusta
- Capitol Park, Augusta
- Kenduskeag Stream and Bangor Waterfront Trails, Bangor
- Brewer Riverwalk, Brewer
- Waterfront Walkway, Bucksport
- Miles Lane Trail, Bucksport
- part of Sebago Lake State Park, Casco and Naples
- part of Pownalborough Courthouse trails, Dresden
- part of Green Point Wildlife Management Area, Dresden
- Kennebec River Rail Trail, Gardiner, Hallowell, Augusta, and Farmingdale
- Lewiston-Auburn Riverwalk, Lewiston
- Riverside Greenway, Lewiston
- Androscoggin River and Papermill Trails, Lisbon
- Minot Community Trails, Minot
- Part of Range Pond, Poland
- Manson Park, Pittsfield
- Readfield Fairgrounds, Readfield
- Swan Island, Richmond (4.5-mile dirt road and .6-mile universally accessibly trail)
- North Street Community Trail, Waterville
- Colby College’s paved paths, Waterville
- Winslow Community Trails, Winslow
- Rotary Centennial/Peter Garrett Trails, Winslow/Benton
- Roger Guerrette Community Trail, Winthrop
- Brewer Riverwalk, Brewer
- Maple Street Park, Brewer
- Mt. Kineo State Park, near Greenville and Rockwood (part of the Carriage Trail)
- Turtle Head Park, Hampden
- Hermon Recreation Trail, Hermon
- Mike Michaud Trail, Millinocket
- Part of Stillwater River Trail, Orono
- Debe Park River Trail, Skowhegan
- Coburn Park, Skowhegan
- Robbins Hill, Solon